

Ex Libris
May 19- June 9, 2012
Opening reception Saturday, May 19, 6-8pm

Ex Libris inverts the standard practice of exhibition lending, where rare or 
inaccessible objects are borrowed from the vaults of various institutions for an 
occasional public viewing. Ex Libris is, by contrast, comprised of materials 
(books, images, recordings) that are publicly accessible and in ordinary circulation – 
as they are borrowed from the stacks of the Los Angeles Public Library.  
Participants took this premise as a starting point in selecting materials and devising 
the method and form of their presentation. Ex Libris is an experiment – an exhibition 
offering manifold iterations of subjectivity affecting a larger archive.

Participating artists/
Summer Mann
Susan Morgan
Claire Nereim
Millie Wilson

Ex Libris is organized by Simone Montemurno

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